Why Would Anyone over 50 Want to Exercise?

May 13, 2024 | Reach The Market | 0 comments

I’m a reporter at heart — still, even 15 years after I left newspapers.

So, my reflex when I want to know something is to ask. In my 20 years as a newspaper journalist, I asked countless people a million questions — about the most intimate, inane, and important things imaginable.

I asked anybody anything, no problem. Because I wanted to listen. I wanted to know. It came with the job, and it comes with yours, too.

Do you do the same with your prospects and clients, employees and community partners?

Let me explain. I’ve been writing about over-50 fitness communications for five years, and the No. 1 question remains: Why don’t more people exercise regularly and eat a diet that’s at least decent? Why aren’t you turning people away from your gym or studio every day because you already have more customers than you can accommodate?

I’ve never found the answer. Maybe one doesn’t exist! Maybe there’s more to be gleaned by focusing instead on why people DO make an effort to exercise and eat right.

So, I’m always asking people about it, and I hope you are, as well. I share my interviews with three of these folks on this week’s episode of the Optimal Aging podcast, and I hope you’ll listen.

Bennett and Jerry are in their 60s. Bennett cut down on his beloved white wine and hired a trainer after his retirement during the pandemic. Jerry was alarmed by his own weight gain, started walking around the neighborhood, and is now addicted to regular workouts at a rowing studio.

And Blaine — well, forget about it. The first time I saw him, I asked why… Why can’t I have a physique like that? He’s one of “those” guys with big pecs, rippling abs, and single-digit body fat — in his 50s. But he wasn’t always like that. It took a divorce a few years ago — and the fear of re-entering the dating scene — that got him on track. (Here are “before and after” pics.)

Health, weight, sex… big motivators for anyone, not just men over 50. And, yes, you already know that these are important to people. But are you asking each prospect and client about their individual motivations. It doesn’t matter to them how common or ordinary their desires are. It only matters that you help them with their own individual goals, right?

It’s up to you to help make their workouts relevant, effective and specific to each of them.

So, ask why. Build it into all your customer interactions along the buying journey — including retention, because motivations might change, and you don’t want to lose anyone once you have them!

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