How to Build an Email List for your Over-50 Fitness Business, and Make the Most of It.

Oct 26, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Just in time for my 58th birthday this week, I’m sharing 5 tips to build your email list and 8 hacks for making sure you’re sending good stuff.

I talk to fitness professionals all the time who say they don’t want to send emails because spam is so annoying…. Or because they would never buy anything from email, so why would anyone else… 

But email remains essential to growing your small business. It’s highly effective, even if you think EVERYBODY hates getting email. (They don’t.) It’s super-cheap. And, best of all, you own your email list – unlike your contacts on social media. 

The money’s in the list, but a good email list isn’t just about numbers. You want targeted customers who are likely to engage with you and your business. The main purpose of an email list is to grow leads and nurture them into customers – and to maintain engagement with current members and clients.


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